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Slips and falls bring more people into the emergency room than any other ailment, causing about 8 million visits each year. The senior citizen population suffers most from this type of accident.

If you fall, identifying the cause of your pain can help you take the proper course of action. Learn about the most common slip and fall injuries here!

Most Likely Slip and Fall Injuries

If you or a loved one slip or fall, you may need professional physical therapy. You should know what indicates a more serious injury.

Keep reading for the most common slip and fall accidents that require assessment.

Back Injuries

A slip and fall accident can very likely result in a back injury. Falling on your back can cause a slipped disc or chipped vertebrae.

A slipped disc causes back pain that extends into the limbs, pain that worsens after sitting or standing, and muscle weakness. Chipping the vertebrae creates sudden pain that eases while laying on your back and can lead to height loss, limited mobility, and deformity. 

If you slip but do not actually fall, you may still suffer an injury. Slips can cause twists of the vertebrae and ligaments that lead to debilitating strains or sprains.

These injuries can cause muscle spasms, pain that worsens with movement, and a decreased range of motion. Low back pain is the top cause of missing work and should not be ignored. 

Back injuries can lead to serious consequences that result in long-term pain, nerve damage, and loss of skeletal and muscle function all over the body. Physical therapy reduces these effects and can help you lead a normal life following a back injury.

Hip Fractures

The CDC reports that hip fractures account for 95% of fall injuries. This especially occurs with senior citizens who fall on a flat, level surface in their home.

This injury causes sudden pain in the hip and groin region, inability to move the leg or bear weight, swelling, bruising, and stiffness.  It requires surgery, 12 weeks of recovery, and months of physical therapy to walk normal again.

Wrist Injuries

When people slip and fall, they instinctually reach out their hands to catch themselves. Even if you succeed in catching your fall, this can result in a wrist injury.

The wrists contain small bones and ligaments that can easily suffer on impact. If you notice severe wrist pain, swelling, and/or difficulty using your hand, your injury requires medical attention.

You probably do not realize how often you use your wrist unless you suddenly cannot. A physical therapist can help you regain range of motion to get back in the swing of things.


Slipping backward or falling from heights can cause you to smack your noggin. Hitting your head requires close observation for the next day or two, even if you seem fine at first.

Head injuries can lead to difficulty concentrating, sleeping, talking, and participating in other physical and mental activities. If you suffer a head injury after a fall, physical therapy can help you regain your coordination and balance.

Physical Therapy Following a Fall

Nobody plans for slip and fall injuries. But, you should set up a recovery plan that will give you the quickest, most complete recovery.

Physical therapy does just this. Attempting it on your own can lead to further injury, so you should call a professional who can navigate your recovery safely and effectively.

You may ask, Where is there a physical therapist near me? Check out our locations and schedule an appointment today!