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The latest Bureau of Labor Statistics report indicates that 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported in 2017. That means that for every 100 employees, 2.8 get hurt at work. 

Read on to learn what to do if you suffer from a workplace injury. 

Report the Injury to Your Supervisor

If you get hurt at work, the first thing you need to do is report your injury to your supervisor. 

If there is a problem with the safety of your workplace, your supervisor can then take steps to ensure no one else is hurt.

As soon as you can, submit your injury in writing to your manager. Even if you have verbally reported it already. This will ensure that you aren’t denied workers compensation benefits. 

You will also need to fill out a form if you decide to request workers’ compensation. 

Seek Medical Attention

The next thing to do if you are injured at work is to visit a work injury clinic to get a medical examination. Often, the injury is not apparent right away.

At AJ Therapy Center, you will have a comprehensive medical exam. A doctor will test your reflexes, range of motion, posture and look for neurological and orthopedic concerns. If needed, we will order extra tests such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. 

Once you have an exam, our team will create an individualized treatment plan for you to help you return to full functionality.

Keep Your Records and Receipts

One of the most important things to do when you are injured at work is to keep an excellent paper trail.

Keep a copy of prescriptions, doctor’s summaries, receipts and out-of-pocket costs for everything. You will need this documentation when you file for workers’ compensation.

File for Workers’ Compensation

If you suffer a workplace injury, regardless of who is at fault, you may be eligible for monetary compensation.

This compensation covers the cost of medical bills and lost wages.

Filing a workers’ compensation claim is similar to filing any other insurance claim. This claim is a request for benefits. It is not a lawsuit against your employer.

Ask HR for the form you’ll need to submit this claim.

In most cases, when you get workers’ compensation, you lose the right to file a lawsuit against your employer for damages. Your work injury clinic or hospital may also have a copy of this form.

Only fill out the employee section of this form. Make sure you date and sign it. Keep a copy of this form for your records.

Then, return the claim form to your employer. You can send it by mail or give it in person. If you decide to mail it, it’s best to use certified mail with a signature request to ensure delivery.

Don’t delay filing this form. You shouldn’t have to wait any longer than necessary for your benefits. 

Act Fast After Your Workplace Injury 

We hope this article has given you the steps you need to take after a workplace injury.

Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Even if you feel fine after you get hurt at work, make an appointment for a medical exam.

Contact us to schedule your initial appointment today.