Tampa Bay: When to Go to Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Tampa Bay: When to Go to Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Constant lower back pain?

Over 31 million Americans suffer from lower back pain. If you are suffering from pain. The best thing to do is to seek physical therapy for back pain.

Living with pain can be debilitating and if you are tired of your back always hurting and are looking for relief there are many reasons why you should seek therapy.

Here are some tips that will help you make your decision.

Physical Therapy for Back Pain

You should visit a physical therapist for back pain once it becomes consistent or imposes on your ability to do your normal activities. Lower back pain has three common causes.

These are usually, posture, constant forward bending and lifting heavy weights. Trauma might cause lower back pain but it’s not necessarily a common cause.

Once you schedule an appointment and go in for a consultation, the therapist will do a first visit evaluation. Dress comfortably and ensure that they can reach your lower back. You’ll move around a lot as a part of the evaluation.

You will need to present your history of lower back pain in detail. That includes symptoms, activities, and positions that worsen or improve your back condition.

Your therapist will ask some questions to identify the nature of your problem and any concerns for immediate medical attention. They will measure your movements as well as your posture. Based on the results, they will advise you on a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Physical Therapy as Back Pain Treatment

Your therapist’s objective will be to find a treatment plan that restores strength and flexibility to your spine muscles and ligaments. Hot and cold treatments, as well as stretches, are two forms of treatment.

Electrical stimulation, exercise, and self-care are the other types of treatment that might be used. These will be combined with at-home exercises and stretches. 

You will also be encouraged to maintain your posture as well as to do strength and mobility building exercises for your spine.

Benefits of Physical Therapy

For starters, you can save a lot of money. You will save on prescription, out of pocket payments and outpatient care. Additionally, an added bonus is a lower use of opioid medications.

Physical therapy targets musculoskeletal causes. Based on evaluation and treatment, your therapist will recommend a specialized treatment for your needs. The ability to get specialized treatment is one of the reasons why this therapy is so beneficial.

A Unique Yet Perfect Treatment Plan

If your back pain is constantly nagging you then physical therapy for back pain is the right choice for you. With specialized treatment targeted to your symptoms and pain, you are sure to gain relief.

This cost-effective therapy is aimed at delivering treatment to the root of your back pain. Another great benefit is that it reduces the need for opioids and other medications.

If you would like to explore physical therapy for back pain, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you.

What is a Vasopneumatic Device and What are the Benefits?

What is a Vasopneumatic Device and What are the Benefits?

Trying to handle a bodily injury can be a troublesome task. When swelling, fractures, or other injuries occur, it can be a challenge to try to heal yourself and get back on the right track again.

Over the years, scientists and researchers have put together different technologies to decrease the amount of time it takes to heal injuries or surgeries. Now, the latest equipment to do so is the vasopneumatic device.

This device is a revolutionary tool that takes care of injuries quickly and painlessly, so you can get back to taking care of what matters in your life. Keep reading to find out what this is, and what sort of benefits lie in store for you.

What Is a Vasopneumatic Device?

Traditionally, there were different options to handle different physical conditions. For example, if you had a fracture, you would get a cast, or if you were swelling, you would perhaps receive some form of medication.

With a vasopneumatic device, such matters could be taken care of using the same technology. This is because of the groundbreaking way that this device works around such injuries.

Vasopneumatic devices are powered by compression. An inflatable garment with multiple pressure compartments is wrapped around the damaged body section, and an electrical pneumatic pump inflates and deflates the section with various cycle times and pressure.

Vasopneumatic compression, combined with elevation, helps the injured section to recover.

What Are Some Benefits to This Procedure?

Vasopneumatic device therapy has many benefits for the user. The most significant benefit is the enhancement of fracture and soft-tissue healing. This gets you back on your feet in a fraction of the time of other medical equipment.

This treatment also provides rehabilitation for distal radial fractures, as well as treatment for restless leg syndrome, assistance and treatment of sensory impairment in the aftermath of a stroke, and treatment of upper extremity vascular ulcers, to name a few.

It’s clear that this device, while being reasonably new, has been able to offer many different benefits to the health field, and will continue to do even more. If you ever experience a future injury, make sure to give the vasopneumatic pump a try.

For All Your Therapeutic Needs

Now that you know about the vasopneumatic device and how it can help with your needs, you’ll want to know where to go to get the treatment that you need at a cost that’s affordable to you. We are the clinic that you can trust to make that happen.

At the AJ Therapy Center, we offer our clients only the best in injury and therapeutic recovery. Our services include manual therapy, vasopneumatic devices, neuromuscular re-education, therapeutic exercises, ultrasound therapy, and much more.

Ready to take the first step? Simply give us a call or send us a message, and we’ll be more than happy to talk with you about your needs. We look forward to the chance to serve you!

What is a Paraffin Wax Treatment and What Are the Benefits?

What is a Paraffin Wax Treatment and What Are the Benefits?

While you will likely find paraffin wax treatment in a high-end salon or spa, did you know that a wax treatment has other benefits that go beyond the cosmetic?

This luxurious treatment can be reserved for pain relief and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Curious to find out more? Keep reading below to learn more about paraffin wax treatment. 

What is Paraffin Wax?

Paraffin wax is a type of wax that comes from petroleum. It has no smell or color, is tolerable on the skin since it’s not sticky, and won’t clog pores. Paraffin wax has been around since the ’30s to help manage injuries.

One of the reasons paraffin wax works so well is because it holds in moisture in the skin and sloughs off dead skin cells without doing any damage to the skin at all. It’s rejuvenating and refreshing, leaving the skin incredibly smooth.

Paraffin Wax Treatment in Therapy

Aside from healing cracked skin, the benefits of paraffin can translate to those who are dealing with physical therapy. Paraffin wax offers a wonderful advantage for those with these conditions:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Other points of pain in the body, stemming from an injury

The main reason why paraffin wax works so well for therapy is because of the heat it provides. This type of therapy is called thermotherapy.

Thermotherapy uses heat to relax soreness and bring comfort to the areas of pain. It also increases blood flow and circulation, which can result in more oxygen to these areas and relieve some pain.

Since heat causes the muscles to relax, this means you may experience a greater range of motion for those who have difficulty with mobility. If you have swelling due to fluid build-up, paraffin wax can reduce swelling as well. 

Depending on the severity of your pain, you will likely need more than one layer of wax. Sometimes several layers are needed to penetrate heat deeply into the muscles and produce any comfort, and this is normal. 

Is Paraffin Wax Safe? 

Paraffin wax is completely safe and beneficial for the skin and the body. Since it does not need to be heated to a high temperature to melt, you can apply it to your skin without worrying about the risk of getting burned. 

For people with sensitive skin, paraffin wax may be cautionary and could result in a heat rash. Additionally, paraffin wax needs to be applied to portions of the skin without any open sores or cuts.  

Paraffin Wax For Pain

Paraffin wax treatment is an excellent option to combat pain from serious and debilitating illnesses. It’s comforting and calming and can help you manage your pain safely. 

Are you looking for a physical therapy center in Tampa that specializes in paraffin waxes? Our physical therapy center can help you get back on your feet! Try one today at our therapy center! 


What is Neuromuscular Reeducation and How Can It Help You?

What is Neuromuscular Reeducation and How Can It Help You?

Over 236,000 people were injured in car accidents in Florida in 2018. If they were lucky, they came out of the accident with minor cuts and bruises. Others may have needed some physical therapy before recovering. But what happens when you get in a car accident and come out with serious, life-changing injuries?

One option for those who find themselves seriously injured after an auto accident is a therapy called neuromuscular reeducation. What is neuromuscular reeducation? Read on to find out!

The Brain-Body Connection

The brain and the body have an intimate connection. Everything that your body does is controlled by your brain. Think of your brain as a complex computer. It enables your body to do everything from breathing to walking to writing. 

When you want to do something like go for a walk, your brain sends signals through a complex system of nerves that tell the muscles in your legs to move. It also tells your muscles how fast to move and how much force to use.

Those pathways are not indestructible, however, and can be damaged or permanently severed when you’re in an auto accident. When that happens, you might think you would like to walk, but the brain cannot effectively send signals to your muscles to accomplish the task.

What Is Neuromuscular Reeducation?

Neuromuscular reeducation helps retrain the nerve connections between your brain and your soft tissues so that they effectively communicate with each other to accomplish everyday movements like walking or waving.

To accomplish this task, physical therapists utilize a number of techniques and exercises. For example, a physical therapist may put pressure on impaired areas to help restore muscle activation. This is known as active release and trigger point therapy.

Physical therapists may also have you complete certain exercises that encourage your muscles to regain strength, balance, and coordination to help retrain the connection between your brain and muscles.

What Are Its Benefits?

The main benefit of neuromuscular reeducation is that it helps restore the connection between the brain and impaired muscles. The goal is to give you a wider range of motion. It can also help relieve pain by releasing pressure on impinged nerves, giving you better balance, and strengthening your muscles.

The ultimate goal of this therapy is to give patients a superior quality of life without having to endure invasive surgeries.

Ready for Relief?

What is neuromuscular reeducation? It’s a life-changing therapy that helps reform the connection between your brain and your soft tissues so they function normally and without pain. With a little time and work, neuromuscular reeducation will have you back on track and living a better life!

Ready to stop living with pain and mobility restrictions after getting injured in an auto accident in Florida? We can help you get there. Schedule an appointment at one of our Florida physical therapy centers today!

How Manual Therapy Can Help With Dealing With Chronic Pain

How Manual Therapy Can Help With Dealing With Chronic Pain

You don’t have to suffer from chronic pain. By seeking the care of a qualified chronic pain specialist, you can reclaim your health and vitality. 

Chronic pain disrupts your life and makes it hard to perform activities of daily living. Some people believe that dealing with chronic pain is normal and just go on with their lives. It’s a burden that makes it difficult to perform simple tasks and maintain your health. 

Fortunately, treatments such as traction therapy can help you recover from this painful condition. For example, techniques such as spinal decompression can ease pain and relieve your suffering and help you return a tip-top shape. 

Read on to learn how to deal with chronic pain. 

Chronic Pain Therapy Works 

During chronic pain therapy, practitioners relieve your pain by stretching and realigning your spine. The procedure enables your spine to heal itself. 

Practitioners typically perform two kinds of spinal traction therapy: manual and mechanical. Doctors can use traction therapy to treat fractures and other injuries in addition to spine and neck injuries. However, they use it mostly to relieve pain in the spine. 

Dealing With Chronic Pain 

A study published by the National Institutes of Health reveals that manual therapy is an effective method for relieving muscle-skeletal distress. At the same time, the report says that physicians aren’t 100% sure why it works. 

Still, practitioners have developed best-practices that result in phenomenal outcomes for patients. They use physical pressure to stimulate patients’ neurological and central nervous system. This technique has been responsible for many positive clinical outcomes. 

The Healing Touch 

For patients, chronic pain can prove incapacitating and make it hard to function. A growing number of physicians prescribe manual therapy to treat chronic pain. 

For each patient, however, the treatment varies. Even so, they work. What’s more, they reduce patients’ dependence on painkilling pharmaceuticals. 

Practitioners skillfully manipulate your soft tissue during therapy. They can help you to improve your range of motion while reducing swelling and pain. 

Chronic Pain Therapy Near Me 

Before prescribing manual therapy, your physician will assess your condition. They’ll evaluate your medical history and outpatient treatments, for instance. 

Your existing illnesses and support network may influence the doctor’s decision-making. Nevertheless, the doctor will carefully evaluate many factors. They’ll make sure to come up with a practical, personalized treatment plan. 

No one enjoys living with chronic pain. Still, millions of Americans choose to grin and bear it when dealing with chronic pain. However, it’s not necessary. Practitioners have developed methods of healing that can restore your health effectively. 

Are you suffering from chronic pain and want a solution that will work? AJ Therapy can help. 

If you’re in the Tampa Bay or St. Petersburg area, contact us today for a friendly, free consultation. We can empower you to reclaim your quality of life so that you can get back to doing the things that you enjoy the most. 

Today, people are always on the go. Our bodies take a beating. You must take care of your most valuable asset – your health.

Physical Therapy 101: A Complete Guide to Physical Therapy After a Crash

Physical Therapy 101: A Complete Guide to Physical Therapy After a Crash

Six million people are in a car accident on average every year. Of these, half are injured as a result of a car accident. Two million of these drivers sustain permanent injuries. 

After your car accident, you might not notice the pain until a few days later. By receiving physical therapy after a crash, you can speed up your recovery. Otherwise, that pain might linger and impact your overall quality of life.

Keep reading to learn more about receiving physical therapy in St. Petersburg. In this guide, we’ll review what you can do after the crash, as well as a few of the benefits of physical therapy.

Seek Treatment Early

After your car crash, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible. Your symptoms might not become obvious until three or four days after the accident. 

Early intervention can relieve your pain and lessen the severity of your symptoms. 

First, your physical therapist will evaluate your condition. During their examination, they’ll ask questions about your pain and mobility. They might have you perform tests to determine your mobility after the accident. 

A physical therapist can help your body heal through:

  • Massage
  • Manipulation
  • Mobilization
  • Stretching

Physical therapy is designed to ease your pain, improve your function, and benefit your overall quality of life.

How Long Will I Need Treatment?

How long you’ll require treatment depends on:

  • Age
  • Pre-injury health
  • Spine, back, and neck
  • The severity of your accident and the trauma you experienced

Some patients only need a few weeks. Others require physical therapy over the course of months to improve their mobility.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy

There are over 247,700 physical therapists in the country, ready to help. By receiving physical therapy after a crash, you can enjoy these benefits and more!

1. PT Supports Your Recovery

After a car accident, you might notice:

  • Chronic headaches/migraines
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Pain
  • Stiffness

Physical therapy can help you recover. With each appointment, you’ll feel stronger, improve your flexibility, and keep your symptoms at bay.

2. It Can Prevent Long-Term Damage

Receiving physical therapy in Tampa can prevent long-term damage such as chronic pain or migraines.

It’s important to begin physical therapy as soon as possible. Improving your strength and flexibility can ensure you address the damage right away so it doesn’t linger long-term.

3. Physical Activity Reduces Pain

Moving around after your accident can help you recover from your injuries. The movement will pump oxygenated blood and nutrients to the injured area, helping it heal. A physical therapist will design a customized plan to help you heal ease the pain you’re feeling. 

4. Avoid Surgery

After a serious car accident, you could potentially experience complications later in life. Physical therapy can help you avoid surgery by strengthening your body. At the same time, it’s also the more cost-effective option for treating your pain. 

By receiving physical therapy after a crash, you can heal your body and get back on your feet. Don’t wait! Instead, get the help you need and keep the pain away.

Take the first step toward your recovery. Contact us for physical therapy in St. Petersburg today!